Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Gamestate #11: 10/1/2012

Download just the audio here.

Just talked about the Return to Ravnica prerelease and miscellaneous other things this week. Enjoy!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

Gamestate #7: 9/3/2012

Download just the audio here.

0:00 - Introductions

1:25 - SCG Minneapolis, Standard.

7:00 - SCG Minneapolis, Legacy.

16:30 - Players' Championship.
17:30 - The event was created to be viewed, what do we think?
24:15 - How did the formats respond to the invitational and exhibition style of the tournament?
37:15 - How did Twitter integrate with the tournament? How should it?
55:00 - How could the event have been improved from the perspective of the players, and from the perspective of the viewers?

Return to Ravnica Spoilers.
1:30:00 - What cards stand out to us?
1:47:20 - Financial effects of reprinting dual lands.
1:50:30 - Final thoughts. End in the tiny part two which was so small that I didn't even include it in the main video.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Gamestate #6: 8/27/2012

Download the audio here.

0:00 - So let's get down to business to defeat the Huns.

1:30 - SCG Denver, Standard
1:50 - Accelerated Horse is the winner!
9:00 - Mono-Black Trading Post makes T8. We struggle to find good things to say about it.
11:45 - Cat trolling.
16:45 - Four Delver lists, all with low land counts. Where did the higher land-count lists go?

21:00 - SCG Denver, Legacy
22:00 - Omni-Tell with Academy Rector and Cabal Therapy!
29:30 - Cabal Therapy. Best card or worst card.


36:30 - GP: Boston
37:30 - How do we build a Sealed deck vs a Draft deck.
51:15 - GP was GIGANTIC! 1,847 people! Should prize pools increase with more players?

1:00:00 - Cedric's stories from making top four!

1:45:00 - Return to Ravnica spoilers.

1:58:00 - Q's from chat.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Gamestate #5: 8/20/2012

Download just the audio here.

World Magic Cup coverage.

Glenn was delayed returning from Gen Con, so the inestimable Jarvis Yu filled in this episode.

Gamestate #4: 8/13/2012

Download just the audio here.

2:00 - SCG Kansas City Standard
2:30 - Monogreen Infect
15:00 - Zomborpod!

31:30 - SCG Kansas City Legacy
32:30 - Stoneblade is everywhere in the top 8
43:00 - Lands! They are an entire deck!

55:50 - Combo decks lurking just outside the top 16

1:04:00 - SCG Kansas City level of play.

1:13:30 - Magic coverage, what do we look for in Magic coverage?
1:47:00 - Outros

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gamestate #3: 8/6/2012

Download the audio only here.

0:00 - Introductions
1:30 - SCG DC: Standard
2:00 - Best top four of any SCG event?
9:00 - Revisiting Reid Duke's RUG Wolfrun Deck.
30:50 - Looking at the Delver lists.
49:00 - What would you take to a Standard tournament right now?

1:00:00 - SCG DC: Legacy
1:01:00 - Maverick everywhere!
1:03:30 - Cedric's Storm rant.
1:19:30 - Adam's two cents on Storm.

1:34:00 - Discussion of Live Magic Coverage.

Find the referenced eSports panel video here.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Gamestate #2: 7/30/2012

Download the audio only!: http://www.mediafire.com/?jvrjjxs1sc1revn

2:30 - Introductions

4:00 - GP Shanghai. Arms Dealer rocks. Everyone's excited about Monoblue Mill.

15:00 - SCG Buffalo Standard
16:00 - Elf Wave
25:00 - G/W Accelerated Horse (Aggro with Hero of Bladehold)
32:00 - Wolf-Run Blue
48:00 - Bonfire of the Damned, where did it go?

57:00 - SCG Buffalo Legacy
58:00 - Merfolk is the winning deck.
1:06:00 - Omniscience Show and Tell.

1:15:00 - Cedric's PTQ winning story.
1:26:00 - Glenn's PTQ dying story.

1:35:00 - Battle of Wits in Standard.

1:44:00 - Outros.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Gamestate #1: 7/23/2012

There were problems with stuttering webcams in this show, but the audio quality is good.

3:30 GP Sao Paulo, Brazil - M13 Limited

10:30 SCG Vegas - Standard
Is Delver still best deck?
Is Talrand what the deck wants?
Zombies did well, is it the for real?

31:30 GP Columbus, Ohio - Modern
Delver crushed, will it continue?
Pod decks are cool!
How awful is Affinity?
Will anyone ever actually call Affinity "Robots"?

48:30 SCG Vegas - Legacy
Esper Stoneforge looks far too fair to be a champion.
Belcher in the top 8 again.
Cedric and Glenn talk a little about doing coverage.
Two Dredge decks top 8'd, one with a transitional sideboard!
No Griselbrands, where'd they go, and why are Dredge decks showing up if graveyard hate is abundant?

1:22:00 GP Ghent - Legacy
Storm with the win, does anybody have a clue whether it's good or not?
Show and Show, no Sneaks!?
U/W Miracle Control, one even has Standstill. Zero copies of Delver of Secrets.

Monday, July 2, 2012